Law and taxes

Tax policy in European Union

​Taxation is the competence of the EU Member States, which have granted the EU only limited powers in this area. European tax law Taxation is the competence of the EU Member States, which have granted the EU only limited powers in this area. As EU tax policy aims to ensure the smooth functioning of the single market, harmonisation of indirect...

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Tax policy in European Union

​Taxation is the competence of the EU Member States, which have granted the EU only limited...

Tax advice - why should I use it?

An increasing number of business owners appreciate the services of external consulting firms...

Tax optimization - what else do you need to know?

Tax optimisation is a very important concept, but also one that is controversial. Many people...

Credit consolidation - is it worth it?

Nowadays, a large part of society has problems with paying its debts. The accumulation of credits...

How long does it take to collect a claim?

One of the most troubling issues for the creditor is the question of waiting time for the debtor to...

Loans against real estate collateral: common stereotypes

​ Loans against real estate collateral are a product still enjoying relatively low popularity...

Credit without a certificate of earnings - how does it work?

There are times in life when suddenly there are unplanned expenses. Often, for various reasons...

What conditions do you need to meet to get a loan for a declaration?

Banking procedures always require the customer to demonstrate his or her creditworthiness. Usually...

Workwear - an important part of the basic principles of health and safety at work

In every job it is necessary to observe the general rules of health and safety at work, and in...

Protection of personal data and security of the company's image

The protection of personal data is the responsibility of the employer who processes or archives...

Third-party liability insurance for the sale or purchase of a car

What happens to civil liability insurance after the sale of a car? Is it possible to extend the...

PIT settlement via Internet: remuneration under employment contract

When settling the income tax for 2016 on salaries under a contract of employment, contract of...

5 major tax changes ahead of us in 2016

This year, many new regulations in Polish tax law will come into force and practically all the most...

Is a motorcycle a passenger car, i.e. on the interpretation of income tax regulations?

In the case of both new businesses and so-called small taxpayers, the right to one-off...

What to keep in mind when issuing and settling duplicate invoices?

Issuing a duplicate invoice is a situation in which the original is lost or destroyed. As a rule, a...

Slovakia as a tax haven?

Thinking about tax havens we usually imagine exotic locations, tropical seas, fairytale landscapes...

Report: Corruption in the Polish economy is still not declining

Unfortunately, the "World Anti-Fraud Study EY 2016" carried out in 2016 does not show positive...

Changes in excise duty are in the pipeline

Recently, the parliamentary club Kukiz `15 came up with a very interesting proposal, which provides...

Real estate tax - unclear changes

While it is clear that this change affects the settlement of real estate tax, since the Act...

Airports in Poland and property tax

Last year in Poland there was a rather bizarre situation. Well, the representatives of the...

European Commission on VAT

The European Commission has set up an action plan for a VAT collection system. Until now...

Sales in an online shop abroad

The most important aspect when opening an online store abroad is to adapt the law to the law in...