Why register a trade mark?
Are you the owner of a company and are considering protecting your brand? Trade mark registration is the best solution. A registered trade mark is actually an advantage in itself. It brings with it greater consumer confidence and more business value, and at the same time stops unfair competition.
Trade mark - what is it?
What exactly is a trademark? Simply put, it is a graphic symbol placed on the products of a company, which allows customers to identify the product. Company names and logos are the most common trademarks. However, they may take various forms, including verbal (word, advertising slogan), graphic (logo, symbol), word and graphic, spatial (product shape), sound (melody).
Trade mark registration - advantages
Every entrepreneur knows how much money is needed to build a brand and promote it among customers. Building a position on the market is often many years of hard work. Registering a trade mark is a way to avoid that it has to change the name of the company. These are certain costs, but it is worthwhile to bear them. A trademark is a kind of insurance that offers undeniable advantages. By registering, you will receive an exclusive right to use your trademark and at the same time increase the reputation of your company. A registered trade mark is an excellent tool to help combat unfair competition. In addition, you can earn money on a trademark.
Trade mark registration process
What is the process of obtaining a trademark registration? The first step is to file an application with the Patent Office. Documents should contain a form and a description of the logo, i.e. a graphic representation, together with a description. A list of the goods covered by the trade mark must also be attached. Once the documents have been received, the Patent Office will examine the application. The Office shall decide whether the designation infringes the property or personal rights of third parties, whether it is likely to mislead consumers or whether it is contrary to public policy. A positive decision to grant the right of protection will not be granted to applications in bad faith or those containing the national symbols of Poland or another country. The whole procedure can take about six months.
Costs of registering the trade mark
What are the costs of registering a trade mark? The price depends on several factors. The territorial scope of the trademark protection, the number of selected classes and the form of the trademark are taken into account. The fee should be paid for filing an application with the Patent Office - it is 450 PLN or 400 PLN in the case of online registration. Additional class of goods is the cost of 120 PLN. In addition, security costs should be added - 400 PLN for a 10-year protection period and publication of information about the protection right, another 90 PLN. The costs of registering a trademark increase, and in the case of registrations also within the European Union or other countries of the world.
If you decide to register a trade mark, it is advisable to contact a patent attorney. The patent office prepares the complete documentation for your application so that it does not contain any errors. This will help to obtain trade mark protection without any problems. The experience of a patent attorney is particularly useful when you are planning to claim a trademark abroad. Using the services of a patent office is also a guarantee that your application will not be rejected and you will not lose time and money.