Directions where you can find a job
High school graduates face a difficult choice - if they want to continue their education, they have to make a decision about the future direction of their studies. It is best if they manage to reconcile their own interests and passions with the requirements of the labour market. However, this is not always possible. Therefore, it is worth choosing studies that will enable comprehensive development and, in addition, create real chances of finding employment in the future. Which directions are we talking about?
Most experts agree that some students do not need to worry about their future. They are mainly students of economics and IT. Law also enjoys constant interest (legal and economic directions, such as business law, are also gaining increasing popularity). Below is a short list of fields of study that not only develop but also guarantee that you will find a job at the end of your studies.
Economics, finance and accounting
Some people (especially students of humanities and general classes) are convinced that they will not be able to cope with the economic directions. It turns out that this is not entirely true - not all universities require matriculation in extended mathematics, and some institutions organise compensatory classes in mathematics in the first year. Moreover, in economics it is much more important to be able to see the links between social and economic phenomena.
Economic education is still desired by lawmakers. Graduates of economics can work in banks or consulting companies; some of them will find a job as an economic analyst.
The students of finance and accounting are also in a good position. After finishing their education, they will be able to find their way around the position of an accountant.
Try your hand at being a lawyer.
The legal market has opened up to new employees to an unprecedented degree. It is enough for a law graduate to pass an exam for an apprenticeship and find a law firm that will enable him/her to complete the apprenticeship (this applies, among others, to future advocates and legal advisers).
What does law school give you? First of all, they open the door to practising law, such as lawyers, legal advisers, prosecutors, judges, bailiffs or notaries. However, a law graduate does not have to apply for an application at all - he can work as a legal adviser in various companies or as a government official. As you can easily guess, lawyers will always be needed, and people with legal knowledge are valued and do not have to worry about their professional future.
It is also worth noting the directions combining elements of legal knowledge with economic knowledge. One of such courses is law in business - these are studies very willingly chosen by people who are considering starting their own business. This course of study enables students to acquire skills that are highly valued in business. It should be remembered that the law is a direction which develops comprehensively and enables one to find oneself in almost every situation.
IT specialist - a profession of the future
The labour market still lacks IT specialists - depending on the published statistics, it is estimated that at present there is a need for between a dozen and even tens of thousands of people who have graduated from IT studies. The IT industry is so extensive that programmers, analysts and webmasters of all kinds will find work in the profession. No one doubts that the IT market will continue to grow rapidly; the degree of automation and digitalization is increasing.
Computer science is a great study for all those who are interested in new technologies. It is worth noting that even people with passion for creating new things and solutions will find themselves in the IT field.
Where is it worthwhile to study fields of study that provide work? Fields of study WSB
When choosing a university at which the above mentioned fields of study can be studied, one should pay attention to several factors. First of all, it is worth checking whether the university offers only theoretical knowledge to students, or whether it guarantees a large number of classes in which practical skills are practiced. This is very important for each of the directions mentioned above. Another factor worth noticing is the staff. It is best if university lecturers are not only experts in the field they teach, but also have to deal with a given industry on a daily basis (e.g. running their own business).
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