Doctorate opens the door to a career in business
The borderline between the worlds of science and technology is already so fluid that young researchers no longer have to choose between the two. Nowadays, we can observe a real revolution in the area of doctoral studies - not only in Poland, but also throughout Europe. Science is something that is supposed to serve a knowledge-based economy. Doctoral education is changing as a result of development. In this case, it is mainly the development of technologically advanced companies based on innovations.
Closer to business
In today's world, there is no room for theoretical research and development that does not bring anything to a market that is not in demand. A 21st-century PhD student must be entrepreneurial and creative, and persistent and stubbornly pursuing his goal. Finally, it is to gain knowledge through original and independent research. The results to be obtained in this process must represent an international level of quality within the disciplines concerned. Doctoral students should cooperate with business already at the stage of studies - all in order to ensure that the research has a practical dimension and meets the market demand. The West can already boast of the effects of the changes in the approach to scientific work. In some European countries - England, France or Germany - people with a PhD degree are a valuable acquisition of the labour market.
New programmes
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education is responsible for the development of the doctoral programme in Poland, in full cooperation with the scientific, academic and business communities. After the implementation of the new programme, universities will be able to send a letter of financial support for the implementation of the programmes. The funds for this purpose come from the Knowledge Education Development programme (Measure 3.2 Doctoral Studies). As indicated in the report: The Commission's Communication on "Using the principles for innovative doctoral training as a tool to steer doctoral reform in Europe" should address cooperation with industry and other employment sectors. International teams A huge challenge is to make doctoral studies international. Although steps are already being taken to create a "European Doctorate". At the moment, however, doctoral students can still boast of considerable opportunities to work in international teams - they go to Erasmus Plus programs or can take part in projects implemented with the support of the Foundation for Polish Science and European Funds.
There are currently four such programmes in Poland:
- International Research Agencies - for the implementation of research projects jointly with research centres from other countries
- TEAM - team projects conducted by scientists from all over the world in Poland
- TEAM TECH - team projects under the guidance of a scientist with outstanding experience in cooperation with the economy.
- HOMING - support for people who have a break in their research work and for young scientists of Polish origin who work and live abroad. The programme enables the implementation of projects in Poland within three types of support: + HOMING - a grant of up to 800 thousand zlotys for a project of a two-year postdoctoral internship for people who return to scientific work in Poland; + A grant of up to 800 thousand zlotys for conducting research work for a period of up to two years for people who at an early stage of their career interrupted research work. + FIRST TEAM grant up to PLN 2 million for the establishment of the first research team with the possibility of financing it for three years - with the possibility of extending it to four years.