An efficient way to earn money for holidays - a babysitter for the elderly
Taking care of an elderly person abroad is a good way to earn extra money. Work requires patience and knowledge of a foreign language, and its conditions are regulated by an appropriate contract. If you are going abroad, you can be sure of your salary and responsibilities. A few weeks' work is enough to finance a dream holiday. It is therefore not surprising that more and more people are looking for this type of employment.
What is the job of a carer for the elderly?
The role of the carer is to support the relatives in caring for the elderly, running the house and helping the elderly. The detailed scope of duties is regulated by the contract, however, it is worth remembering that the carer is not an employee who performs the tasks of a cleaner or gardener. Therefore, it should not be involved in cleaning the garden and rooms such as the attic, garage or boiler room. The work also does not require medical procedures, so it has nothing to do with nursing. However, it is necessary to help the senior in everyday activities, hygiene and care, preparing and serving meals or accompanying during visits to the doctor. It is also possible to do some housework, e.g. vacuuming, washing or shopping. The place of work is the home of the client, so the job of a carer usually involves travelling to Germany or the UK.
What conditions can you count on?
The terms and conditions of agreements are set individually, as well as the duration of the contract. Usually the trip lasts one month and the shortest duration of the contract is two weeks. Taking care of the elderly is a demanding and responsible job, but it often allows you to earn extra funds to achieve goals that are sometimes long overdue. It is also an opportunity to get to know a new culture, environment, acquire new qualifications and learn a foreign language.
What are the requirements?
In order to take care of an elderly person, you need to show sympathy for seniors and willingness to leave. One of the most important criteria is also the knowledge of a foreign language: German or English at least on a communicative level and experience in caring for the elderly or dependent person, e.g. from a family. Also important are attributes, such as: responsibility, empathy, patience, or physical fitness, which allows to perform all necessary duties, e.g. lifting a senior citizen. A specific education is not required, although completion of medical studies may be an advantage. Before leaving, the mentor receives the necessary training, uses on-line educational materials and receives them in paper form, so people with less experience can be sure that they are familiar with all the rules.
Safe working abroad
Promedica24 only offers legal employment, which is particularly important when working abroad. Only work through a reliable and proven company, provides a contract on favorable terms. It is also worth remembering that the babysitter does not bear the cost of both living and boarding on the spot, as well as travel to the place of residence of the client.