What should you know about acidification?
More and more people hear about acidification of the body, which is largely due to the fact that we do not eat properly. Highly processed products, which are now part of our daily diet, contribute to the imbalance of acid-base balance of our body, which in turn causes various types of ailments.
Our daily diet is becoming more and more acidic, making our pH lower and therefore acidic. It should be remembered that apart from urine and gastric juice, our organs have an alkaline reaction. Of course, the most important is the pH of our blood, which should be kept within a range of 7.35 to 7.45. Unfortunately, even a blood buffer system that neutralizes excess acid can be overloaded, resulting in reduced defense capabilities. Therefore, when not enough alkaline minerals reach the blood, they are taken from the individual internal organs, which leads to an excess of acidic substances and imbalance.
How do you recognize the acidity of your body?
There are many ailments which, although not always associated with acidification of the body, should alert us. These include rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, joint degenerative changes, urate bottoms, but also problems with concentration or constant fatigue. Too much acid in the body can also accumulate in the blood vessels, so the risk of hemorrhagic stroke increases dramatically. It can also cause diabetes, create conditions for the development of cancer cells or affect the increased structure of fat tissue in the body.
Protect yourself from acidification!
An over-acidified organism can be coped with perfectly well by properly constructing your daily diet. Above all, therefore, you should eat more alkaline products to neutralise excess acid. According to the recommendations of experts in this field, our diet must consist mainly of basic products such as groats, vegetables and fruits. Twenty per cent of them should be acidic products such as meat, dairy products and sugars.
Of course, we must also remember to consume the right amount of water, which makes up 70 per cent of our body. It is located in our muscles, bones, or brain cells. If there is too little water in your body, it can cause it to malfunction. Dehydration, however, is a frequent cause of weakness, loss of consciousness, damage to internal organs and even death.
How not to lead to acidification?
A perfect solution for people who would like to prevent acidification of the body is alkaline ionized water, which quickly and effectively is able to restore the acid-base balance of our body. It is strongly saturated with active hydrogen, which gives it almost the same properties as water from healing springs.
Most importantly, water can be ionized in your own home using a water ionizer. It is definitely worth to have it and use the opportunities it gives us.
Such water is a natural antioxidant, which contributes to stopping the aging processes of our body and reduces the risk of cancer. As already mentioned, it is also a great deacidifier, but also provides us with an extra portion of valuable oxygen and significantly improves the immune system.
It has been proven that alkaline water can have a very positive effect on the condition of our body. It is therefore not surprising that it is used to deal with various diseases such as asthma and bronchitis, skin allergies, diabetes, hypertension, hyperacidity of the stomach, mycosis, kidney stones, cancer, urate bottoms and psoriasis.
As you know, prevention is always better than cure, so drinking ionized water should become a habit. Thanks to this, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from many unpleasant ailments, or at least significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence, which is a huge advantage.
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