Ovulatory office lamps - lenses for presbyops
Probably few people are aware that there is such a thing as office lenses nowadays. It is now a solution that is being prepared for presbyopia, i.e. people who will need glasses to read.
Generally speaking, it's half a progressive lens. Office lenses have power to the near and intermediate distances. This is a solution that will be great for those who spend a lot of hours at the computer and do not want to apply correction to the distance. It is known that the computer is located slightly farther away than the text read, so the near power will not be able to guarantee us a clear view from the computer.
With this in mind, office lenses are now entering the market, giving us perfect vision in two areas. It should be added that they also provide a wider field of vision than progressive lenses. It seems that such lenses are great for people who spend more than two hours on computers. Progressive glasses do not exclude the possibility of having also this pair, which will be used also for work.
In progressive glasses, and especially in older designs, we will not know the whole computer well, and of course this will cause discomfort at work. Office lenses, thanks to the fact that they have less power, will have a much larger field of vision, and this will also make them more comfortable. We can also prepare special eyeglass lenses, which in addition to the computer will also give the opportunity to see people who will enter the office or will conduct a conference there. This will give us about 3 meters of vision.
When it comes to getting used to such lenses, it is best to work when you put your computer directly in front of your eyes and you can adjust it to the appropriate distance at which it is located. Thanks to that we will be able to prepare for work with such glasses quite quickly.