Q quality mark - tradition and prestige
The multitude of quality certificates and other symbols on food products makes consumers feel lost. For this reason, it is worth reaching for products signed only with signs of proven reputation and prestige. One of them is the Q quality mark, one of the oldest symbols of this type on the Polish market.
Q-sign history - since when has it been awarded?
Q mark is one of the oldest markings given to products available on the Polish market. It was introduced as early as the 1960s, which means that the symbol can boast more than half a century of history. Over the years, the conditions for certification for the Q quality mark, its awarding procedures and even the appearance of the mark itself have changed. It is constantly being improved to meet the demands of today's consumers. For many years the Q mark has been invariably associated with the highest quality, reliability and prestige. It can only be obtained from the best in its category, which gives it a reputation both among manufacturers and customers. Since 1994, the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification S.A. has the right to grant a certificate for the Q quality mark. (PCBC S.A.).
Why do consumers reach for Q quality label products?
Nowadays, consumers often face difficult choices - the variety and variety of products available on the market makes the decision-making process much more difficult and time-consuming. A conscious customer reads product labels, compares not only prices, but also warehouses and descriptions of products. The Q mark is a kind of facilitation that allows you to make decisions more quickly. The red and white symbol on a blue background guarantees the highest quality and safety. Labelled products stand out on the shelf and inspire consumer confidence. Reading the label carefully is no longer necessary if it bears the Q mark - after all, the label is only awarded to products that meet the strictest standards. Q-labelled foods are healthy and simply tasty.
Q mark on the packaging: what can an entrepreneur gain?
The certificate authorizing to place the Q quality mark on products is issued by Polskie Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji S.A. (Polish Centre for Testing and Certification). (PCBC S.A.). It is a voluntary label, which means that the interested entrepreneur should declare his willingness to participate in the certification process. The right to place the Q mark on products is granted for 3 years, with the possibility of extension for 5 years. Obtaining the right to use the Q-trustmark has many advantages for the entrepreneur. These include, but are not limited to:
- to increase consumer awareness of the product,
- increase of competitiveness on the food market,
- guarantee of above-average quality of the certified product,
- prestige and wide recognition among manufacturers and customers.
The certification process is open to all manufacturers in the food industry. At present, meat, dairy, confectionery, vegetable, fruit and oil products are labelled.