How to deal with stress at work?
Stress, contrary to popular opinion, does not always have to be destructive action. In many cases, it is a great motivation for us to gather in ourselves and to mobilize to act actively and achieve our goals. In such a situation, we are talking about a so-called erosion. Usually it does not have too much intensity, it is relatively light and does not interfere with our everyday functioning. Unfortunately, in most cases stress is an extremely harmful factor that can literally destroy both our body and mind. Stress in this form makes it practically impossible for us to function normally in everyday life and makes us unable to perform the simplest activities. Many people don't realize that he can literally destroy our lives.
The intensity of stress in our lives can, of course, be influenced by many different factors. These are often all kinds of personal problems but, according to a recent study in the UK, in most cases the most stressful is caused by our work. In this infamous ranking, professional duties or constant fear of losing one's job are even preceded by financial problems or other difficulties connected, for example, with relations with other people. Stress at work is also not an explicit concept and can take many different forms, depending on the specific reason for it. Each of us also has his or her own conditions, which make it possible for us to react to stress factors in a completely different way. Something that one person can deal with without much difficulty can be extremely difficult and destructive for another person.
Stress at work also varies from country to country. According to research, in the case of Poles this is primarily a fear of sudden dismissal. In terms of job insecurity, we are unfortunately at the forefront of the world, which often leads to many stressful situations. But it's no wonder that so many people are afraid of it. After all, the quality of our lives and whether we are able to maintain our family at the right level and achieve all of our goals depend to a large extent on having the right job. The stress factor in Polish conditions is also quite low labour standards. We often carry out our professional duties in inappropriate conditions, and also in an unfavourable atmosphere. Unfortunately, in Polish companies, things like harassment, exploitation by superiors, the blame of too much work on employees and the lack of any support from others - instead, we are dealing with constant, very brutal competition - are the order of the day.
For years, numerous measures have been taken to improve this situation. Some improvements in some fields can indeed be achieved, but we are still far from perfect. There are many ways to deal with your stress. Of course, it is worth to take a closer look at them, even if sometimes it is not easy and means working hard on yourself. On the other hand, you can raise your standard of living, make yourself much more happy, and make your work more enjoyable. You will also increase your productivity at work, which, of course, will translate into additional successes in your working life. The first step is to determine exactly what causes such stress at all. It's not an easy task anymore.
Many people live in chronic stress, and there are so many factors in their lives that it is sometimes difficult to determine what exactly annoys us. So sometimes you have to spend some time on it, but it's definitely worth it. In most cases, you should sit still and carefully analyze your daily life. Then we will certainly find many factors that are most responsible for causing stress in us. In many cases, the mere identification of the causes of such nerves is an excellent cure. Once we have identified the most important stress factors, it will be much easier for us to avoid them and protect ourselves from nervous situations. But sometimes our work is stressful, and it's hard to do anything about it - especially at times when a lot of work is really overwhelming. In such cases, the best solution is to learn a few relaxation techniques that will help us to manage all negative emotions. Appropriate exercises, breathing techniques, relaxation baths - all this can do real miracles and quickly restore our energy to life. In addition, a simple rest is extremely important.
Everyone should go somewhere for a week or two at least once a year, and during such a trip they should not even think about their everyday matters for a moment. Sometimes we need to literally force ourselves to do something like this, because we always are able to find a lot of excuses for ourselves - frequently we hide behind a multitude of duties at work. Everyone deserves a rest, however. One of the most powerful ways to fight stress is through sport. Movement, especially in the open air, not only allows us to get away from all our daily worries for a while, but also stimulates the brain to produce more endorphins, which significantly improve our mood.