Professional recruitment and its advantages
Although recruitment has never been as important as it is today, the problems that characterise the national labour market today make it never been so difficult. So if we want it to be carried out professionally, we should consider whether or not to entrust it to an employment agency.
Why use an employment agency?
In many companies, the very offer to use the services of an employment agency is viewed with scepticism and this is hardly surprising. Initially, this option is associated only with the need to spend money that the company could use in several other ways. However, the longer the discussion lasts, the more arguments there are in favour of such an option. The most important are now considered to be the most important ones:
- shortening the duration of the recruitment process,
- elimination of the risk that the employment of employees will be decided on the basis of non-substantive considerations,
- to provide the recruitment process to persons specially trained for this purpose, possessing the necessary level of knowledge and experience,
- possibility to use databases created by the employment agency, and thus - possibility to access databases of people interested in work and ready to start work in the shortest possible time,
- care of the employed, which lasts even after the completion of the recruitment process,
- professional, individual approach to the company commissioning the recruitment of employees, which minimizes the risk of possible misunderstandings, and thus also - improper way of order execution.
The agency responsible for recruiting employees more and more often is not limited only to attracting Poles. Where possible, it may also recruit foreign nationals to assist with formalities for obtaining the necessary permits.
Which employment agency should I choose?
Although on the Polish market there is no shortage of companies that recruit employees, not every one of them is equally attractive. When making a choice, it is worthwhile to focus on both experience and additional elements of the offer, which prove the ability of the entity to adapt to changes taking place in the labour market. Where fast and effective recruitment is necessary, it works particularly well.